Goal: Delegating is hugely important for any members of your leadership team. The goal here is to learn how to go through new leads and either follow and delegate them to sales representatives on your team or hide them if they are not viable. 


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1. In this example, let’s say out of a thousand visitors to your website, almost 200 of them are viable candidates for your services, here is an example of how to we can help get this number up. 

2. After you get the people and company data, you are going to follow some, hide some, and delegate some. Agencies are taking all of this into account.

3. For example, the Cyberize Group is a company who does white label services and support.

4. Say we get a lead and we want to assign it to someone. You could assign to it Mical, a sales representative, an executive assistant, or anyone who can do the first phase of follow-up from either the warm lead indoctrination campaign, direct mail on demand or a cold email. So, assign the correct person who can follow up the progress to the individual by selecting their name.

5. After assigning (here it is assigned to Lee Goff), click on the ‘EMAIL’ tab to email this information. Add a message and click ‘Send’.

6. It is a good lead so we are going to follow this. Click on the ‘FOLLOW’ tab for all of the leads that are buyable, legitimate candidates.

7. To see other leads being followed, click on the tab ‘Companies Followed’. It lists 23 viable leads and candidates that have been visiting the website.

8. You may also run into companies that are not a good fit. For example, Agorapulse is not a good lead for me as I am not going to sell them any coaching services anytime soon. Therefore, this one should be hidden by clicking on the ‘HIDE’ tab.

9. You will notice the counter of Hidden leads increases from 32 to 33.

How do I know when I'm finished?

1. A sales representatives or another team member is assigned and an email is sent to them with the new lead.

2. Good leads are marked to be followed while those that are not viable are hidden.