Goal: While some visitors to your website won't fit your service criteria, some will and can be isolated as a legitimate prospect. Here we will start the next step of adding them to the Warm Lead Indoctrination Campaign!


Login to AgencySonar.

1. Select the website you’re considering.

2. Next you will see all the traffic that this website got. They are categorized in different tabs:

  • Companies: These are prospects that need to be verified.
  • Companies followed: These are prospects that meet your criteria.
  • Hidden: Those that are not qualified are sent to this tab.

3. Important notes to consider:

  • Once you isolate a legitimate warm prospect, you always need to go through this campaign.
  • Not all people who visited your website are legitimate prospects. Students are checking you out, competitors are checking you out, and you simply get random traffic on a regular basis. You have to do your homework and make sure it is a legitimate business that your agency is positioned to serve.
  • Here are some things that you may need to pay attention when checking your prospects:
    • The size of the prospect
    • The niche they are in
    • The country that they are working from
  • Out of 100-200 visitors most agencies are getting 1- 2 viable and legitimate prospects. It is better to be selective on who you send through this campaign.

How do I know when I'm finished?

1. Traffic has been organized in a way that allows you to be selective on which prospects you want to go through the campaign.

2. Prospects are checked for legitimacy and it’s determined whether they are viable before moving forward.